Saturday, January 23, 2010

What Could Have Been Written by - ellamalfoy8

What Could Have Been

Written by - ellamalfoy8

You can find them here! -

One Shot

Rain. Let it wash it all away. Let it wash away the blood. Let it wash away regrets. Let it wash away doubt. Let it away this emptiness. Let it wash away you. DMHG OneShot

Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 491 - Reviews: 31 - Draco M. & Hermione G. - Complete


A/N: Wow. I was just doing my homework like a good little girl when I noticed it was raining outside. Then I saw my special One-Shot notebook and I was like, huh. So, twenty minutes later I had this. Please reviews even though it’s a One-Shot, because I want to see your reaction. I’m really proud of this because it just seems really… good. Whatever just read it.


What Could Have Been


Let it wash it all away.

Let it wash away the blood and the thestrals it attracts.

Let it wash away the mud that turns porcelain white to vague brown.

Let it wash away the tears from our faces.

Let it wash away the rotten stench of death.

Rain sweeps down like bullets from the sky,

Splattering the surface of the murky red lake,

Let the noise cover the fresh memories of screams and pleading from our minds, the survivors.

Let the echoes of it meeting the stonewalls override the haunting whispers of those who are left to haunt the earth unseen,

Only to whisper.

Let it force her begging away.

The drops merge with the blood running down her face,

Merge with the mud,

Merge with the tears.

Let it clear her face so I can see its morbid beauty.

Let me see the girl who left us.

Let me see the girl who I could never have.

Let me see the girl who left behind someone else.

Let me remember why I never made her mine.

Let me realize that it’s too late now.

She got peace though.

She doesn’t have to stand beside the body of a loved one and watch the rain soak their red-tinted clothes.

She doesn’t have to wander the earth alone, straining to listen to the whispers.

She won’t have to relive every single chance she was never brave enough to take.

She doesn’t have to watch the rain blur her vision.

Let the rain wash away regrets.

Let it wash away doubt.

Let it wash away the guilt that makes my blood pound in my ears and my heart beat in my throat.

Let it wash away the memories.

Let it wash me away like it washes the mud from her,

My precious Mudblood,

Except she isn’t mine,

Wasn’t mine.

He cries for her,

He delivers the eulogy,

He reluctantly thanks me,

Tells me it wasn’t my fault that I wasn’t fast enough,

That it was so nice of me to try and save his loved one,

“Even though you hated her.”

I never hated her.

Let the rain drill down on the marble,

Let it seep into the crevices of your tombstone.

‘Loving Wife,

Loving Friend,

Who we will carry in our hearts forever.’

I never wanted to carry you.

Let the rain take you off my shoulders.

Let the rain take you away!

Let the rain take away this empty feeling.

Let the rain take away my emotion.

It isn’t love,

It wasn’t love.

But if she hadn’t dies,

If you hadn’t died,

My Hermione,

It could have been.

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