Thursday, January 28, 2010

No Longer Just A MudBlood: The Sequel- Chapter Twenty Three

Chap. 23 The Complaint

Some Ombreux girls were walking in the halls angrily. Papillon was one of the girls.

‘So I take it that the potion you “accidentally” spilt on yourself didn’t touch your skin?’ Ariana asked Papillon.

‘No. I’m fine...obviously.’ She snapped.

‘Don’t be sour at me just because Professeur Beau (Handsome) didn’t jump on you vhen you vanted him to.’ Ariana said softly.

‘I vill not be turned down by a teacher. Draco and Hermione will pay for this.’ Papillon said.

‘Idiot teachers...fucking all the time...they shouldn’t be really is disgusting...’

‘You’re only saying that because you’re upset that you’re not the one doing the fucking with Professeur Draco.’ Ariana retorted.

‘Vell, I don’t think it’s right that ve should be taught by teachers who are as old as ve are.’ Another girl said.

‘I don’t mind so much, Vicki.’ Ariana replied. ‘I like looking at Professeur’s bad though because I don’t pay much attention.’

‘Sluts...that’s what you girls are.’ Vardon said as he walked up to them.

‘You’d know...’ Papillon said softly, ‘You’ve had us all.’

Vardon smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

‘That I have...’ He replied. ‘But it’s still disgusting that you girls all vant to bed the new teacher.’

‘And you don’t vant to bed Hermione?’ Papillon asked.

‘No. Vhy? She’s a teacher.’ Vardon snapped.

‘Vell, I don’t care. I don’t vant to fuck Draco anymore either. I just vant them gone.’

‘You vant to terminate them?’ the girl Vicki asked Papillon.

‘Fired. Yes. Killed? Maybe.’ She said half-sarcastically.

‘Vell, vhy don’t you just tell Madame Maxine about their sex they have constantly?’ Vardon commented. ‘Say it disturbs you.’

‘They aren’t going to fire them for being married...that’s vhat marriage’ Papillon said.

‘No. But they vill talk to them about you being disturbed by it. Then the couple vill feel so embarassed they vill leave on their own.’ Vardon said.

‘Or maybe you could just leave it alone.’ Ariana said, ‘I like them.’

‘Maybe you could just shut the fuck up.’ Papillon snapped. ‘You are such a fuckin’ prude, Ariana. You only like them because Draco fills your head with vhat you lack in you bed.’

Everyone went quiet. Ariana’s eyes began to water.

‘Oh...go cry some vhere else.’ Papillon groaned. ‘Ve don’t vant to hear it.’

The girl Vicki put her arm around Ariana and they left together, Ariana left crying.

‘Ok...back to terminating the couple.’ Papillon said with no emotion.

‘Little harsh vere you not?’ Vardon asked.

‘Do you care?’ She asked. He didn’t respond. ‘Then shut up and forget about little miss virgin.’

‘Ariana’s not a virgin.’

‘I know, but she sure the fuck acts like it.’ Papillon said as she rolled her eyes.

Vardon shrugged his shoulders.

‘Vell if you vant them gone then go complain to Madame...I’ve got a meeting I’m late for.’ Vardon said.

‘Vhich lucky girl?’ Papillon asked, eyebrow raised.

Vardon smirked.

‘Vouldn’t you like to know. Have fun.’

‘You too.’

‘I vill.’


‘So,’ Madame Maxine started. ‘You say that you are mentally disturbed because you heard the new Professeurs having sexual relations?’

‘Yes.’ Papillon said with fake emotions and tears. ‘It vas dreadful. I’ve never heard such sounds...’

‘Mmhm.’ Maxine mumbled with doubt. ‘I don’t know if you, my dear, are qualified to make such a statement, but I vill talk to the Professeurs none the less.’

‘Oh merci Madame!’ Papillon smiled.

‘Now please retreat back to your common room.’ Maxine responded.

‘Ov course.’

Papillon turned and left. She smirked proudly as she walked away.

‘Those idiot love-struck teachers vill be gone before you can say ‘crucio’.’ She thought to herself.


Hermione and Draco were in their room lounging around. Draco was reading an advanced book on potions that Snape had owled him and Hermione was finishing her letter to the Weasleys.

Hermione was just about finished when a knock sounded at their door.

‘Ohhhh I was nearly finished...’ Hermione groaned.

‘The Weasels can wait a bit longer.’ Draco muttered.

‘Draco... stop that.’ Hermione scolded.

Hermione was about to get up from the couch, but Draco stood up first.

‘It’s okay ‘Mione, I’ll get it.’ He said as he walked over to the door.

‘Thanks baby.’ She smiled.

He opened the door.

‘Oh good evening Olympia.’ Draco said.

Madame Maxine then stepped into the room.

‘Good evening Malfoys.’ She said.

Hermione set her letter aside and stood up.

‘Is there something we can do for you?’ Hermione asked.

‘Yes, I need to speak vith the both of you.’

‘Is something wrong?’ Draco asked.

‘Vell, I’ve had a complaint from a student.’

‘About us?’ Hermione asked looking at Draco a bit nervously.


‘Well, what is the complaint?’ Hermione asked.

‘Am I working my students too hard?’ Draco asked sarcastically.

‘It’s a complaint of personal nature.’ Maxine replied. ‘I know you two are young, in love and newlyveds, but I can’t have students hearing their know.’

Hermione got bright red. Draco just smirked.

‘Oh no!’ Hermione cried covering her face.

‘You mean we were heard?’ Draco asked laughing a bit.’

‘This is not a laughing matter Draco.’ Maxine said.

Hermione slapped Draco’s side and gave him a death glare.

‘Ow.’ He groaned angrily narrowing his eyes at her.

‘I’m so sorry, Olympia.’ Hermione said. ‘I’m so embarrassed. I don’t even know what to say.’

‘Say nothing. Take action.’ Maxine replied.

‘Or less action.’ Draco smirked.

Hermione hit Draco once again.

‘Stop it!’ Draco commanded under his breath.

‘Stop being so immature then.’ Hermione retorted.

‘Vell, I’ll leave you to yourselves.’ Maxine said.

‘Can I ask who made the complaint?’ Draco asked.

‘Papillon Ghislaine.’

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