Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stop Calling Me Malfoy- Chapter Eighteen

Chapter 18

Draco and I flooed home, exhausted and yet completely happy. Ron had given us his blessing and that was the best news I’d had in a long time. Draco stepped out of the fireplace, holding my hand and smiled at me, but he stiffened, we both did, as an evil cackle filled the living room. I clung to Draco’s hand as we turned slowly to see the last remaining death eater sitting on the living room couch, sneering at us. (A/N: Weren’t expecting that were you?) Draco reached for his wand, but Rookwood was faster.

“Expeliarmus!” he yelled, not even standing up as he caught both mine and Draco’s wands. “We meet again, young Malfoy,” he drawled, flicking back his long brown hair. “So this is where you’ve been hiding, with a mudblood?” Draco stiffened, squeezing my hand painfully.

“How’d you find me?” he asked, his voice level. I could almost hear the cogs in his head turning. False sense of security always had been his favorite quidditch tactic.

“I heard of your engagement along the gossip line. Your mother-in-law must learn to keep her mouth shut in the future.” I stifled a groan. I should have known my mother’s gob would break our cover. “Then again, your appearance at St. Mungo’s certainly was a big clue.” Shit, I realized, we’d been right out in the open, but it was too late now. There would probably be an article in the Evening Prophet about the Boy-Who-Lived’s babies. There was no way Draco would go unnoticed. Rookwood stood up but didn’t approach us. “I always knew your heart wasn’t in it, Malfoy. I hope you know it’s your fault that the Dark Lord fell. If you had just let Potter die, none of us would be in hiding.” Draco’s eyes were unfocused as Rookwood rambled on about betrayal and blood traitors. He was thinking of a way out. But what could we do? He had us cornered. Rookwood began to pace back and forth behind the coffee table. “You deserve to be punished, Malfoy,” Rookwood said.

WTF? My hand was burning. I didn’t dare look down. Draco stroked the fourth finger of my right hand. He didn’t take his eyes off the man before us, but I knew what he was conveying. It was my engagement ring! That wasn’t a stone! That was a chip of protegite! Its powerful magical components could detect when the ring wearer was in danger, and if called upon it could be used as a shield to deflect spells. Nice gift Draco! The silver band sizzled on my skin and I winced, but Rookwood wasn’t watching.

“Why did you come here?” Draco asked, now massaging my palm, drawing little circles with his thumb. Rookwood laughed, a cold but puny laugh. He was hungry, I could tell, and weak. He hopefully wouldn’t last long.

“To get revenge, little Malfoy.” Draco stiffened, but his face remained stoic. “The papers say I’m the only one left. Of course, they all think you’re dead.” He laughed again. “I knew better. You’re just too much of a coward to face your faults.” Oh, he did not just go there.

“You’re wrong,” I spat, and Draco held my hand in a death grip. Rookwood peered at me through his long hair, smirking menacingly.

“Really, mudblood? I’m wrong? What do you know about war?” He paused, looking me up and down, before understanding turned his smirk to a delirious grin. “You’re that girl who was there with Potter! Wow, Malfoy, I never would have thought you would sink so low. Revenge is sweet. Who knew I could kill two birds with one stone?” As an after thought he added, “Literally.” He pulled out his stubby wand and pointed it at me. “I suppose I can’t prevent you from dieing a hero, but at least I can make it painful.” The ring seemed like it was vibrating, and I had to clench my fist to keep it from making me yelp in pain. “Move aside, little Malfoy, she goes first.” Draco did the opposite, and moved in front of me, blocking Rookwood from view. He switched hands and clutched my left one so that his engagement ring touched my own. His was burning too. “Don’t play fames with me, Malfoy, or I might have to kill you first, the order doesn’t really matter anymore.”

Draco was shivering slightly, his angelic hair once again reflecting sunlight onto the walls. Being close to him and breathing in his scent, however, did little to calm me. “All right then. Once you’re down in hell, do say hello to your parents for me.” I didn’t see him move, but the ring scalding my finger told me all I needed to know. “Avada Kedavra.” Draco yanked his hand from mine and perfectly angled his ring as I closed my eyes. I could hear the spell it Draco’s stone and bounce off, and I could hear a loud thump on the floor, and the pounding of Draco’s heart. Then silence.

“It’s okay,” Draco purred, turning around. He enveloped his arms around me and propped his head on my shoulder. “It’s over, it’s okay.” I buried my head in his cotton-clad shoulder. “Shush, he’s gone. We’re safe now.”

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