"I like the green sweater."
"I wore it last night, you know."
He bent low to whisper in her ear. "I didn't notice."
She blushed and swatted him. They spent most of the day holed up in the room of requirement, enjoying their last bit of calm alone time. She sat in his lap and he played with her hair, and they talked about a million things, like friends and school and everything that had happened over the break. He even asked a few questions about muggles, and they told stories back and forth about what their friends might think when they saw them together. Hermione, of course, already had an idea, but Draco wasn't entirely sure.
"It's not as if you're not a girl, you know."
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, men have a tendency to find women attractive, in case you didn't know. And you are attractive. I know at least Blaise has noticed it before."
"You must be joking!"
"I'm not. He actually said it first."
"Well that's..."
"A good thing. At least I know one person will approve."
"I guess so."
It continued on this way until well after lunch, just a half hour or so before everyone was set to arrive. They made the walk down to the station, going as slowly as possible. Hermione wished to enjoy every last second of being alone and peaceful with Draco, and he was going to let her have her way. When they finally reached the platform, they stood with their arms around each other, waiting for the train. At last, they heard it in the distance, a horn blowing loud and clear, signaling the arrival of their friends and fellow students. Hermione got nervous and stepped slightly away from Draco. "I'm just nervous, is all." She crossed her arms, but he rubbed her back and managed to have her let one arm go so he could hold her hand. They could spot the train in the distance now, coming closer with every breath. In just a matter of seconds...
Draco smiled. He'd been planning this for a few days now. And it was finally time.
The train just began pulling up to the platform. Hermione was starting at her shoes, but they were in full view.
"I've been meaning to say... I know it's quite soon, but... I think I love you."
She froze. Never, ever had a guy said THAT to her before. Viktor had liked her of course, but he really only stared at her. But here Draco was, staring at her. Telling her he loved her. She wasn't sure how to respond, except by suddenly turning to him and kissing him full on the mouth, in full view of everyone on the train. He was so happy, he lifted her off her feet and spun her around slightly. Train passengers whistled, or called out, or simply talked.
"Is that...?"
"That's Hermione Granger!"
"Alright Draco!"
"Get a room!"
"That can't be..."
"Oh. My. God."
"I didn't think she would ever..."
... and their personal favorite, "Oh, shit. That is. Do you realize who that is?" Which came from Blaise himself.
While students disembarked the train and gathered their things, Hermione and Draco pulled themselves apart.
"Draco, I love you too."
"Well, that's good to know." He winked at her and she poked his chest.
"Now, you watch it. On your best behaviour, Malfoy."
"On my honor, Granger." He kissed her once more - to various other calls - and then they set off on their separate ways, looking for their friends. A few feet apart, he looked over everyone's heads (at his height, it was reasonable) and called out to her. "I'll meet you in the Great Hall for dinner, then? I'll find you."
She waved at him, and then felt a hand on her shoulder. Ginny Weasley had apparently been the first to find her.
"I've never seen a more thorough transformation. What on earth have you done with Draco Malfoy?"
Again, Hermione started. She doesn't know. She's not talking about that.
"It's marvelous, isn't it?" She hugged the youngest Weasley, who still towered a few inches over her. "It's been a whirlwind. You have no idea. I'll explain more later, I think I spy two people who may or may not want to kill me if they hear the full story." She stepped past Ginny to the tall, lanky figures of Harry and Ron. Harry scratched his head and looked from Hermione to the floor, while Ron kept his arms behind his back and chose to stare at anything but her. "Hello, boys."
"Hello, Hermione." They both said at once. Then Harry spoke.
"So... where is he?"
"He's off finding his own friends. He's going to come sit with us at dinner, if you don't mind."
"Don't mind?! How am I not supposed to mind?" Ron's words suddenly felt too loud in her ears.
"Honestly, Ronald." Ginny smacked her brother in the head. "You are totally and completely thick. Mal- err, Draco, is sitting with us. Hermione is going to show us. Even I just saw. He's really been kind to her."
Ron kicked at some gravel, finally looking at Hermione. She noticed he just looked tired, and ragged.
Harry stepped forward with his arms out. "What was I thinking?" He smiled wide. "I'm just happy to see you. And happy to see you happy. We can deal with details later." She jumped forward to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Harry, thank you. I promise you. Everything's alright."
When she stepped back, she immediately took a step towards Ron, locking her arms around his neck and swaying slightly until he surrendered, reluctantly putting his arms around her waist. "It's just... I always... I never... Him?"
"Yes, Ron, him." She kissed him on the cheek and then hugged him for a moment more.
"If he makes you happy... I guess. I just want you to be happy now."
She felt tears welling in her eyes. Here was stubborn Ron Weasley, giving her away so she could be happy.
"Thank you, Ron. Thank you so much."
She wiped at her eyes and linked arms with each of the boys. She did not miss Harry dropping his other hand to find Ginny's. The two girls caught eyes and smiled.
"But see, they did win. Back in the day."
"Over a hundred years ago, Ron." Draco stabbed at a potato. "The Canons are bloody terrible now. If they ever wanted to win the cup again, they'd need to replace the entire team and down several cauldrons of Felix Felicis."
"That's rubbish!"
"Think about it, Ron."
"Well... suppose that's true. Who are you for?"
"Puddlemere, actually."
"Really?" Ron got an inquisitive look on his face. "Interesting. Never would have pegged you for a PU fan."
"Never would have pegged you for a Canon... wait. Yes. I would have."
The group of friends erupted in laughter. Draco Malfoy was not the only one to have ever put down Ron's favorite team, but he was, Ron supposed, a decent bloke after all. He did like Puddlemere.
"All of this talk about quidditch is making me feel right at home. In a bad way." Ginny rolled her eyes and Harry squeezed her hand. When Hermione noticed, Ginny simply blushed and waved her away. "You still haven't explained to me yet, Miss Granger."
Hermione blushed. "Tonight. In the dormitories. Not now."
Ginny and Harry laughed. Ron and Draco were still locked in a conversation about Quidditch. Luna was busy telling Neville about the different categories of Plimpies. Blaise was busy explaining to Pansy - who he'd nearly had to drag over to sit with their best friend - that it wasn't really such a bad thing at all. Pansy caught the eye of a handsome seventh year Gryffindor, and suddenly she decided it might be a good thing after all. After a moment, Hermione felt a hand brush her lower back, then wrap around her waist as was their usual. Nobody took much notice but Hermione, who leaned slightly into him, smiling. It had indeed been a Very Mery Christmas. And it was looking like it would be a Happy New Year as well.
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