A/N: I have realized that I have not been sticking to First Day of school dates for Beauxbatons, and for that i'm apologize for confusing some of you! Forget I ever said anything about school starting on the 4th of September! Sorry!
Chap. 19 Jaimie and Papillon
September 20
It is the day before school starts at Beauxbatons. Hermione is the Transfiguration teacher. Draco is the Potions master and he is also Head of the Ombreux House.
'Draco, do you have everything you need for your classes tomorrow?' Hermione asked her husband.
She was setting many books up in her Transfiguration classroom. Draco was with her, rolling and spinning around the room, in her chair.
'Yeah.' He replied swirling around a desk.
'I don't remember you setting up books in your room.' Hermione commented.
'I have all the books in our room still.' He replied. 'I'm not teaching anything tomorrow.
I'm just going to have a day of getting to know students and having them write down what they want to learn tomorrow, to try to get a good perspective on what these students are like.'
'Wow, Draco, you actually planned something out in advance.' Hermione smiled.
'Not really. I just don't feel like teaching yet. I'm going to be the teacher the kids like because I am not going to be a dictator about homework and shit. I am going to be the teacher i've always wanted.'
'You liked Snape and he laid homework on thick.'
'Yes, he pushed hard. I am going to teach like Snape, smartly and acutely, but I am not going to be such a hard-ass about homework like he was. It's too much stress on students.'
Then there was a long pause and Draco continued.
'But you never know, I might turn into a hard-ass. It depends on these students.' He smirked.
'What about you, baby? What are you doing your first day tomorrow?'
'I think I am just going to teach the students the history of Transfiguration. It should not take too long, and then they can have some free time to get to know one another and myself.'
'Good idea I guess. Teaching the history of it is a pretty good thing to start out with.' He smiled.
'That's what I thought.'
Hermione finished putting books away, she then had to pull Draco away from his swirly chair.
'Come on, Draco. It's nearly midnight, we should get good sleep. The students arrive at three tomorrow.'
September 21 3:00 P.M.
Everyone was gathered in Le Grand Hall. Students were everywhere. Madame Maxine was giving her welcome speech. Hermione and Draco were sitting with the rest of the teachers and professors.
'It's so weird sitting back here, and not out there.' Hermione said quietly to Draco.
'I know...I don't like it. I feel too young, look at these teachers, they are decrepit.'
'Not Professeur Barret, he's only twenty.' Hermione replied.
'Barret? I haven't met any teachers really yet, how have you?'
'He introduced himself to me earlier today while I was putting quills in my room.'
'Humph...Barret eh? The name Barret means cunning...' Draco said to himself.
'Draco, don't do anything irrational.' Hermione scolded.
'I won't I wont.' He said. 'Look at those students. Some of them look other than we do.'
'I know, it's so odd.'
Madame Maxine was nearly finished.
'And so, students,' She said loudly, 'I hope you have a great year. You vill go straight to
your classes after this, then dinner vill be served at six.'
Madame Maxine then turned and smiled at Draco and Hermione.
'You also have two new teachers. Welcome them.' Maxine then waved Hermione and
Draco to come next to her.
The couple looked at each other and stood up. THey walked over to her.
'This is Professeur Draco Malfoy and Professeur Hermione Malfoy, Draco will be the Potions
Master and also Ombreux's Head, and Hermione will be teaching Transfiguration.'
The students started to whisper among themselves.
'You vill all probably get along splendidly with them. They are about the age of our
seventh years, but this does not mean they vill act like you students, so respect them.
Students dismissed for classes.'
At once the students left in a mad rush.
'So are you nervous?' Maxine asked Hermione and Draco.
'Yes, very.' Hermione replied.
'No, I for one am anxious to start.' Draco said.
'Vell, good.' She smiled.
The teachers then came over to the couple.
'Bonjour, I am Professeur Neville Montague.' An older man said to Hermione and Draco, extending his hand.
Draco shook his hand and then Hermione followed suit.
'I am Hermione Malfoy, and this is Draco.'
'Pleasure. I teach History of Magic. I hope you enjoy it here.' He said. He then walked away.
Other teachers introduced themselves. An older woman named Noelle Newbury, professor of Ancient Runes. Joshua Heaton, professor of Mythology. Norton Pomeroy, teacher of Occulmency. Laura Pierpont, professor of Herbology. A younger woman, Leila Rousseau, professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Charlotte Sommer, teacher of Divination. Belle Yule, professor of Charms. Rodney Winchcomb, professor of Arithmacy. Lucian Vassar, professor of Astronomy. And of course, Professor Spencer Barret, professor of Muggle Studies and Flying Class.
The older professors looked down upon Draco and Hermione a bit, for being so young.
But the younger professors, Rousseau, Yule, and Barret looked relieved to see more young teachers, even though Draco and Hermione were both younger than them all.
After introductions Hermione and Draco went off to their classes.
Draco walked to his Potions classroom, which was down a long hall in the dungeons, like at Hogwarts. It was also just as creepy and Draco's cloak billowed behind him just like Snape. He listened up to the door, the students were talking loudly, many of them in French. He then opened the door loudly making quite an appearance, the students were immediately silent when he walked in.
'Good afternoon.' Draco said loudly, 'I'm Professor may call me Professor Malfoy. Or Sir.' The students laughed hesitantly. 'I am going to be teaching you students Potions. This has been a passion of mine and I hope to make you passionate for it, also. Can I have a raise of hands for those who are interested in Potions, not just here because they have to be.'
A few hands went up.
'Good, five out of twenty is not too bad.' Draco smirked. 'Through the course of your studies and a deepening understanding, you should come to regard potion-making as one of the most important skills you could ever learn. It is a subject that demands respect and faithful study in order to succeed.'
Draco then decided it was time to learn names.
'I would like to know your names and what house you are in. Who will start?'
A blonde girl rose her hand.
'Yes, you go first then.' Draco asked.
'Bonjour and velcome, Professor.' She smiled, 'I am Carissa Depardieu. And I am in Ombreux.'
'Excellent. I am the Head of your House, then.'
'Yes, I know.' She smiled.
Another girl raised her hand, she had bright auburn hair, it was very long and pretty.
'Yes, you.' Draco said pointing to her.
She flipped her long hair back behind her shoulder.
'I am Jaimie Ghislaine. I am also in Ombreux.' She flashed a crown of white teeth.
There was a boy in the back of the classroom, arms crossed. His icy eyes were on Draco closely. His short blonde hair was spiked, and tipped with a red color. Draco smiled at this. He reminded him of himself.
'You, in the back. What is your name?' Draco asked.
The boy's eyebrow raised.
'Vardon.' the boy replied sharply.
Draco heard small sighs from a few girls.
'Is there a last name to go with that?' Draco asked.
'Tell me.'
'Talbot...Vardon Talbot.'
'I am assuming your in Ombreux, am I correct?'
'I'm sure you will learn to love this class, Mr. Talbot.' Draco smirked.
Draco went through the names of the other students. He realized most of the students were Ombreux. He was happy. He felt at home with those students. Draco continued with
class and his plans for that day.
Hermione walked into her Transfiguration class ready to teach. She introduced herself and had the students introduce themselves. The class consisted mainly of Courageux House students and Rapide House students. She taught them the history of
'There is much history with Transfigurations but I will tell you a brief summary. Please take a few notes.' She smiled. The students got out quills and parchment. '500,000 years ago, muggles were still running around throwing rocks at each other and banging their heads into the wall. Early wizards and witches were also not very advance, yet. While a group of muggles were continuing to be stupid, a small group managed to take down a unicorn. Even the early wizards knew this was horrible, and a young ancient wizard scared away the muggles. The wizard tried to help the unicorn but it was too late. In this wizards attempt to help the unicorn his hands were covered in unicorn blood and hair. When the wizard went to wash the blood off his hands, he saved the hairs. The wizard tied the hair onto a stick so that he wouldn’t lose the hairs. Unknown to the wizard, he had just created the first magical wand. He realized the wand could summon small things and change things also. T his was the beginning of transfigurations.'
The students seemed pleased. They did not want homework and they didn't get any, just notes.
A young man raised his hand.
'Yes?' Hermione called.
'Vhen will ve start using our vands?'
'Tomorrow. Is that all, Mr. Christiansen?'
'Alright, well that's the end of your first day of Transfiguration. Have a great rest of the day. Dismissed.'
The students began talking amongst themselves as they felt.
After students wrote down what they wanted to get out of Potions class and after Draco read them aloud he ended class.
'I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Dismissed.' He then went to his desk.
Everyone left but the auburn haired girl, Jaimie.
'Is there something you need Miss Ghislaine?' Draco asked, raising his eyes from his papers.
'No. I am just vaiting for mi sister. She said she'd valk me to my next class today, to get me used to know vhere to go.'
'Well, that's nice of her.' Draco muttered.
Just then a tall, exotic looking girl waltzed into the room. She had piercing emerald eyes and long auburn hair. She was wearing a white blouse and short, schoolgirl skirt with white knee-highs and black oxford shoes.
Draco looked up at her and his eyes widened. She looked much older than 17 or 18, she looked about 20.
'Hi, Lily!' Jaimie said smiling. Then Jaimie twitched her head, telling her sister to look at Draco.
The beautiful red head saw Draco and smiled.
'You must be my sister's Potions Master. Professeur Malfoy, vas it?' She asked, throwing her hair back, just like her younger sister.
'Yes. Draco Malfoy.' He said standing up, but not going over to her. 'Are you a student?'
'Yes. Seventh year. I am Papillon Ghislaine, or Lily. I am in your Ombreux House.' She smiled.
'Then I will probably be seeing you later.' Draco said.
'Hopefully.' She grinned. She walked with her sister and left.
'Isn't he cute?' Jaimie asked her sister after they left the room.
'He's more than that...and I heard he's only 17.' Papillon said.
'I think he's the vne married to the Transfiguration teacher, though.'
'Could be brother and sister.' Papillon said.
'I don't think they are.'
'Vell, they never specified.' She smirked. 'He's the Head of our House...'
'Do you like Professor Malfoy?' Jaimie asked.
'I don't know, but I think I am going to find out.'
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