After Draco and Harry disappeared together, the room was silent. Many things were going through people's heads.
"Malfoy was just in the Gryffindor room."
"Malfoy asked Harry Potter for help."
"Hermione's been taken by Lucius Malfoy and taken to Voldemort."
"Harry yelled at Ron."
"Harry and Draco are fighting...together."
Draco apparated himself and Harry to the place he remembered he saw Voldemort last time. Harry and Draco landed roughly on a hard marble floor. They noticed the entire place was dark. They heard screams coming from afar. Screams of tortured prisoners. None from Hermione...thank Merlin.
'Where are we, Malfoy?' Harry asked in a whisper, wand tightly at his side.
The two boys slowly stood up.
'Voldemort's dwelling...i've been here before. This is where I was before the whole coma ordeal...' Draco replied.
Both boys quietly said, 'Lumos.'
A beam of light shot out from their wands. They circled the one.
'How do we get outta here?' Harry asked.
'I dunno. I don't remember there being a door last time I was here.' he replied, 'But let's split up and look.'
Draco and Harry went to the wall and moved slowly around the room, opposite of each other. They put their hands up feeling the wall closely, moving around, until they reached each other again.
'Anything?' Draco asked.
'Nope. You?'
'Nope. Nothing.'
Then they pointed their wands at different places of the room calling out 'Alohomora!'
Finally they heard a faint "creeeek". They ran to the sound. A flat door opened. No door knob, nothing. They slipped inside. It was a long corridor lit lightly by torches.
Screams grew louder. They noxed their wands.
'Follow the screams.' Draco whispered.
And they did. After a minute or two they reached a large door and pushed it open and walked in. It was some sort of dungeon. There were empty chains and sharp tools lying around. They turned a corner and saw a limp body hanging from chains that were attached to the cell's ceiling.
'Oh my god..' Harry sighed in shock.
They walked closer. It was a man. A man now so disfigured, even to his own mother he would be unrecognizable.
' he dead?' Draco asked.
'I don't know. I think so.' Harry responded.
Harry put a hand to the man's neck.
'No pulse, but he's warm, he must have died within the hour.'
'The murderer must be around here.' Draco said.
Screams were heard again loudly, causing both Harry and Draco to fall to the ground in fear. They looked around and saw another old iron door. They walked up to it cautiously and pulled it open slowly.
The room smelt of sweat, sickness and pain. There was a dark man pulling a lever which was lifting a man in chains from the ground. The man was screaming.
Draco called out a stunning charm, stopping the dark man. The prisoners stop screaming to look at the young boys.
Harry then called out, 'Legilimens!'
Draco walked up to the dark man.
'Okay, you little fuck, tell me where is Hermione??'
'Who?' the man asked shaking from fear of the two A tongue-clicking sound came from behind them. An old man in a corner, bound by chains was trying to talk.
Draco ran over to him.
'Do you know, sir?' Draco asked, 'Have you seen a dark haired young woman?'
'They took her...' the man said weakly.
'Where?' Harry asked.
'The dark lord and a blonde man...' the old man said, 'to his lair...'
'Where? Where is that?' Draco asked.
The weak old man slowly lifted his finger to the opposite side of the room, then his body failed him and his arm collapsed.
'No...' Draco whispered, 'Harry help me get these chains off of him.'
Draco said a diffindo curse, causing the chains to spilt. Then he and Harry lifted the chains off. Draco set the man's body gently on the cold floor.
'Where?' Draco whispered, 'Please...'
'The door...' the man whispered back, 'Stairs...'
Then the man's soul left him.
The younger man hanging from chains attached to the lever started to speak.
'She was pretty...'
Draco and Harry let the lever fall, helping the man down.
The man spoke again.
'Hurry...the girl was pretty, they won't kill her right away.'
Draco nodded, understanding him.
Harry and Draco went to the wall opposite of the old man.
'Alohomora.' Harry said.
A part of the wall opened. Draco and Harry stepped inside and immediately saw stairs. They looked at each other and went up them quietly. They started to hear voices.
'Stay here, Potter. Come in unexpectantly when it sounds like I need you, okay?' Draco whispered.
'Sure.' Harry sat in the staircase.
Draco rose slowly, wand tightly gripped and walked up to the top stair to listen for a bit.
'She has Malfoy blood living in her now.' Lucius said.
'We could use the child.'
'You just want to let her go??'
'No. Keep her here, until she gives birth, then kill the whore after.' Voldemort sneered.
Draco's eyes started to water, he didn't even notice.
'With the Malfoy blood and the mudblood's intelligence, it could be very useful, we train the brat to work for me.' Voldemort said evilly.
Draco reviewed spells and curses in his head. He then stood up and stepped in.
'Ahh...young Mr. Malfoy...' Voldemort hissed.
Lucius whipped around.
'Mmm...was expecting you long ago. We thought you were smart and gave up on the filthy slut...I guess I was expecting too much from my disappointing heir...' he said cruelly.
'I will nev-' Draco started to speak, but even in the dark room he saw something bound on a torn up rug near Voldemort, causing him to pause.
'Ahh...I see you've found the little whore...' Lucius scoffed.
'Hermione...' Draco said in a short breath.
'Yes...the Dark Lord enjoyed torturing her...' Lucius said with no feeling.
'FUCK YOU!' Draco yelled at his father, 'You're lying!'
'Am I?' Lucius said starting to tap his cane against the cold stone floor.
'Why have you come?' Voldemort asked. 'To save her!' Draco cried.
'Save her?' Lucius asked with a laugh, 'JOIN HER!'
Lucius rose his wand, but finally Draco was quicker.
Lucius's wand flew and caught fire.
Lucius' eyes widened.
'How dare you?!' Lucius cried.
'How did you let a child beat you, Lucius?!' Voldemort cried, 'I've seen him do this before!'
'PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!' Draco yelled again, wand pointed at Lucius.
Lucius fell to the ground, unable to move.
Voldemort suddenly glowed red with anger. He rose from his throne and floated to Draco. Draco was in shock. He didn't move. He just stared.
'You outsmarted your father...a death is this possible? You must be powerful, I will have you with me...' Voldemort hissed. He then spoke loudly. He was about to yell a Imperius Curse, but Harry Potter then ran up from the stairs.
'HARRY POTTER?!' Voldemort cried.
Lucius' eyes widened when he ran up.
Harry glared at Voldemort, scar burning.
Harry looked at Draco. Draco nodded. They both pointed their wands toward Voldemort. 'LUMOS!' they yelled.
The room was white. Voldemort's shapeless body, covered by a dark cloak shook violently. Screams ripped through the room. Screams from Voldemort.
'Finish him, Harry!' Draco cried.
Draco ran over to the bound Hermione. Her clothes were torn and ruddy. Her hair was tossled and matted to her face by blood and sweat.
'Oh god, Hermione...' Draco whimpered as she brushed her hair back.
She was unconscious.
He pointed his wand to her.
'Ennervate.' he said, tears falling from his cheeks.
Her eyes opened. She took quick, sudden breaths. She looked up at him and started to cry.
'Oh, Draco...'
He put a diffindo spell on the ropes binding her, causing them to fall from her frail body. She put her arms around his neck and he lifted her. She turned to see Harry and Voldemort.
'Harry...' she whispered.
A 'Finite Incantatum' was heard.
Draco turned to see that his father stood up.
He turned to Hermione.
'Harry needs help.' he said. He set her down gently.
She nodded happily. She noticed he called him Harry.
Draco put an impediment curse on his father and ran to Harry. Voldemort's smoky, invisible hands were lifting Harry from the ground.
'LUMOS!' Draco cried, pointing his wand straight into Voldemort's red eyes.
Harry fell to the ground, but quickly regained composure.
'Thanks.' Harry muttered.
'Draco!' Hermione cried in a muffled yell.
Draco and Harry turned to where Hermione was. She was now held up by Lucius, his hand clasped onto her neck.
'I don't know how you think you boys were going to save this whore. You cannot defeat myself or the Dark Lord.'
Harry and Draco saw veins in Lucius' arm that held Hermione rising steadily as Hermione's gasps for air became more frequent.
Draco and Harry stood motionless, they couldn't yell a curse, for it would affect Hermione also. 'Your weak, you won't win. Harry has beaten Voldemort before and I have beaten you!' Draco yelled.
Lucius was filled was rage. He dropped Hermione, she fell hard onto her side.
Lucius pointed a wand at her.
'CRUCIO!' he yelled.
'NOO!' Draco cried.
Hermione started to shake violently. She screamed from pain. They could hear bones in her small body hit against the stone floor brutally.
'Finite incantatum!' Draco yelled, wand at Hermione.
Her unconscious body laid motionlessly on the floor. Draco and Harry ran over to Hermione. Harry conjured up a shielding charm around them. Draco held Hermione and looked at Harry.
'We have to get out of here.' Draco said.
Harry nodded.
'We can't finish them now. We have to get back to Hogwarts, to Pomfrey.'
Draco nodded.
They then apparated themselves back to Hogwarts.
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